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时间:2023-05-31 17:32来源:名人语录 作者:在线人生 点击:


1. Merry Christmas! May your holiday season be filled with joy, love, and peace.

2. Wishing you a very happy and blessed Christmas. May the magic of the season fill your heart with warmth and happiness.

3. May this Christmas bring you endless joy, wonderful memories, and lots of love. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

4. Sending you warm wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. May your holiday season be filled with happiness and good cheer.

5. May your Christmas be filled with laughter, love, and lots of happy memories. Happy holidays!

6. Sending you warm holiday wishes and lots of love this Christmas. May your days be merry and bright, and your heart be filled with joy.

7. Wishing you a magical Christmas and a blessed New Year. May all your dreams come true and all your wishes be granted.

8. May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, joy, and happiness. With warmest wishes for a wonderful holiday season.

9. Wishing you all the joys of the season and happiness throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

10. May your Christmas be merry and bright, filled with laughter and good cheer. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!


1. 尊敬的长辈,祝您圣诞节快乐!愿您的健康和快乐比圣诞节的礼物更为丰富,祝您在新的一年里身体健康、生活幸福!

2. 节日的钟声敲响,冬季的风雪飘扬,家中的炉火欢燃,是我们备受喜爱的圣诞节。祝我亲爱的长辈,圣诞节快乐!祝您身体健康,幸福常伴!

3. 亲爱的长辈,愿你的圣诞节充满美好和祝福。愿你拥有一颗充满欢乐和真爱的心,并享受这个特别的时刻与所有挚爱一起度过。

4. 在这个圣诞节里,感谢您对我们的养育与关怀。祝亲爱的长辈,健康长寿,岁岁平安!在新的一年里,早日取得更多的成功和成就!

5. 祝我亲爱的长辈,在今天的圣诞节里,您的每一个心愿都成真,每一个愿望都实现!您的健康、平安、幸福,将始终伴随您度过每一个美好的时光!

6. 冬季的盛宴即将开始,节日的欢乐升起。祝亲爱的长辈圣诞节愉快!愿您拥有和平和喜悦,富裕与幸福,同时,我们也要珍惜和感激您所赐与的一切!

7. 亲爱的长辈,感谢您一直以来的关怀与爱护。在这个美好的圣诞节里,愿您的心愿如愿得以实现,所有的幸福等待着您,祝福您快乐无限!

8. 冬季的雪花飘扬,冰雪世界如梦如幻,而我们,也又有了新的开始。祝亲爱的长辈,圣诞节快乐,愿您在新的一年里,一切都如愿以偿!

9. 祝亲爱的长辈,圣诞节快乐,愿您可以享受这个美妙的节日,和大家一起分享一些难忘的时刻。祝您健康、快乐、幸福、成功!

10. 在这个欢庆喜悦的时节里,祝我亲爱的长辈节日快乐!祝您每时每刻都充满爱的气息,拥有必要的幸福,同时,我们也会一直关注并祝福您!