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时间:2018-01-15 09:33来源:哲理小故事 作者:在线人生 点击:
英语小短文30-40字 不带翻译

My Favourite Season The climate in our country is very My favourite season is autumn, because it’s always warm in September and It’s often cold in It’s certainly inte




春节,... . 我的老师英语作文-MyTeacher 上周五,我掉了我的自行车。之一,我...

求一篇英文小短文 介绍身残志坚的伟人 并且有翻译

张海迪 五岁时因患脊髓血管瘤,高位截瘫。她因此没进过学校,童年起就开始以顽强的毅力自学知识,她... 翻译作品《海边诊所》,《丽贝卡在新学校》、《小米勒旅行记》,《莫多克——一头大象的真实故事》等。她的作...

以My dream为题写一篇英语小短文。不少于30词,要用一般将来时哦

My dream is to become an English teacher when I grow Because being an English teacher, I can influence lots of They can not only learn language but also know what is right from Be


三十篇英语小短文,带翻译的/question/ 十篇英语作文小短文。;ri=2&uid=0


春节spring festival Spring festival is the most important festival to Chinese always lasts for 15 e can wear warm clothes and go to make is a good season for skating .I like winter 我的老师英语作文...


春节,... . 我的老师英语作文-MyTeacher 上周五,我掉了我的自行车。之一,我...


春节spring festival Spring festival is the most important festival to Chinese always lasts for 15 e can wear warm clothes and go to make is a good season for skating .I like winter 我的老师英语作文...


hallo,my nine is 加名字,i am from 加家乡,i am 加年龄,i have a good friend she is angel ,i like my school very much